What are some possible reasons for Lot's wife to look back? 罗得的妻子回头看的原因有哪些?
But Lot's wife, behind him, looked back, and she turned into a pillar of salt. 罗得的妻子走在最后,好回头望了望,就立刻化成一根盐柱。
While it is ill-advised to be curious as Lot's wife, some of the inventions and discoveries are achieved out of curiosity. 过分好奇固然不好,但是有一些发明与发现确实是因为好奇得来的。
But Jien Fa learned a lot more from the Professor's wife Luus, who was his spiritual mother. 荣华从教授夫人露茜处学到了更多,后者为其精神之母。
Lot's wife was a pillar of salt by day, but a ball of fire by night. 罗得的太太在天亮前是盐柱,但天黑前是火球。